A church for everyone

Service every Sunday 11 am online


Sunday Service

Every Sunday, people gather at Lugnet Church to celebrate Sunday Service together.
Our Sunday school ’Full Fart’ is the children’s own service. All children between the ages of three and twelve gathers for Bible teaching, singing, activities, competitions and other fun. For the smaller children we also have a play & babysitting room.

Our services are open to everyone. You do not have to be a member of Lugnetkyrkan to participate. If you are here for the first time, feel free to tell one of our hosts and they will be happy to show you around and answer your questions. We hope you enjoy your stay with us.


Connect groups

An important community we have in the church is our groups. 

In the groups, we meet at each other’s homes to share everyday life, talk about and deepen our faith and pray together. It offers people closeness and community in a society where loneliness and anonymity are an increasingly common problem. Our ambition is to be able to offer everyone a good small community! Get in contact if you want to join a group!


Language café

Are you new in Sweden and want to practice speaking Swedish or just get to know new people? Do you have homework from school or SFI that you want help with? Everyone, who is either new in Sweden or have lived here forever is welcome to ’Svenskafé’. We get together, eat some Swedish fika and have a great time. Sometimes we make small trips together or talk about specific topics such as self-care, environment and finances.

We gather every Saturday at 10am – 12pm in Lugnetkyrkan.

Everyone is welcome
It does not matter what you believe in. Everyone is welcome! Families and singles, women and men, of different ages and with different backgrounds and experiences.

Send e-mail to info@lugnetkyrkan.se

Adigu ma tahay mid ku cusub Iswiidhan oo ma dooneysaa in aad ku tababarto
iswiidhishka ama aad rabtid in aad baratid dad cusub? Ma leedahay shaqo guri lagaa
soo siiyay dugsiga oo aad rabto in lagaa caawiyo? Qof walba, adigan oo ah qof ku
cusub Iswiidhan ama adigan halkan ku noolaa muddo dheer, waa lagugu soo
dhaweynayaa ”Svenskafé”. Annagu waa aannu kulannaa, wada qaxweynaa oo waa
aannu wada baashaalnaa.

Annagu waan aannu ka wada hadlaynaa mowduucyo kala duwan sida caafimaadka,
nadaafadda, deegaanka iyo dhaqaalaha. Mararka qaarkood annagu waxa aannu
sidoo kale sameynaa bannaan aadid.

Annagu waxa aannu isugu imaannaa Sabti kastaa saacaddu markeey tahay 10:00 – 12: 00 Lugnetkyrkan.

Ma qabtaa wax su’aalo ah?
u soo dir e-dhambaal ku socda info@lugnetkyrkan.se